Spread the Teachings

One of our Beloved Master Choa’s last directives prior to his Samadhi was ”Spread the Teachings.” Pranic Healing of San Diego did just that on a large scale during the first three days of June. At that time the international convention of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) was held in Coronado at the beautiful Loew’s Hotel.

During the first breakout sessions on Friday morning, I presented an Introduction to Pranic Healing to about 45 psychologists, all of whom were interested in utilizing energy in their therapeutic practices. The presentation went exceedingly well with many astute and pointed questions from the audience about pranic healing.

In addition Pranic Healing of San Diego had a booth in the large exhibit hall. It was manned by a rotating group of 10 pranic healers who answered questions, passed out literature, and provided 20 minute pranic healing sessions 12 hours a day for three days.

Right next to our booth was a booth by Psy-Tek Labs, another business venture of mine together with Bob Hertz. It is dedicated to subtle energy testing with advanced bio-field technology.

Many of the people who wished to have healings opted first for energy measurements of their aura, chakras and physical organs. They then proceeded to have pranic healing. After waiting 15-20 minutes, they returned for another subtle energy assessment, noting the changes in their field, their chakras and their organs after the 20 minute healing. These results generated a lot of excitement for pranic healing.

On the other hand, the convention and the booth generated a lot of excitement for the pranic healers. I received the following e-mail from Cynthia, a pranic healer and a psychotherapist who helped out in the booth:

“Mary, I loved helping out at our booth. I was able to do pranic healing for four wonderful people. Many people stopped by or signed up after taking your Intro course. Many people praised your teaching and one person from Australia asked me to send you her gratitude of all she learned from you. She was a delight to work with as she is also a psychologist moving into energy healing. I am happy I am on the path to becoming a certified Pranic Healer. I plan on helping out at the free clinics and attending the ”staffing” on the second Thursdays. My experience was very awesome. I get to be who I AM and work with loving kind pranic healers. Thanks Mary for your asking me to do this today.”

The healers had many opportunities to see the results of their 20 minute healings. Michelenne, another pranic healer, reported the following:

“A woman hobbled with a cane over to our booth and wanted a healing for lower back pain. I did the healing on her and it seemed to go very well. Later in the afternoon, I was standing at the door to the exhibit hall. The same woman returned and said ”Hi” as she passed me. She then walked a few steps more, stopped, turned around, and then said, “Look at me. No cane!” She smiled and walked on.”

In summary, Pranic Healing of San Diego had a very successful event at the convention. This experience was a wonderful testament to all the healers involved, to the strength and validity of Pranic Healing as a powerful healing system, and to the spiritual teachings of Master Choa himself.

I am sure that Master is extremely pleased with our efforts to carry out his will to “Spread the Teachings.”

Blessings of Love and Light,
